Saying YES To Life, S6E49

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Season 108 Episode 3759

Saying YES To Life, S6E49

#livingyourbestlife #sayingno As women we are taught to put others needs before our own. Others desires before our own. And others wishes before our own. It's ok to say NO to things that don't serve us and say YES to our life and our desires. Lisa Gulland-Nelson is a best-selling author, freelance writer, speaker and soul coach (or call her a co-conspirator). She published the best-selling book “You Have Permission, To Live Your Heart's Desire”. Lisa is excited to support women as they take back their permission to live their biggest life and to say no to what no longer serves them. She’s also a highly intuitive Reiki Master Practitioner, a certified Mind, Body, Spirit Practitioner and an Ordained Minister. Lisa started out as a broadcast journalist and spent almost six years as a television reporter. Connect with Lisa: Facebook: @LisaMGullandNelson Instagram: @lisamgn_917 #soulsdesire #livingyourbestlife #sayingno

