Season 108 Episode 3715
Demystifying Astrology, S6E14
Have you ever wondered whether there's ""truth"" to astrology? How accurate is it and can we apply it to our lives?
Teri Hunter, an Intuitive Astrologer, Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Empowerment Coach and Reiki Master. Throughout her life she has studied Astrology, The Tarot, Meditation, The Divine Laws of the Universe, the teachings of Seth and Abraham, to name a few.
Her grandmother was her first Astrology teacher. Building her knowledge and nurturing her unique connection to Spirit, she trusts beyond my five senses affording her a revolutionary point of view in her Astrology work. As an Intuitive Astrologer, she sees dynamics in the natal chart indicating the Soul's intention for this lifetime. The Natal Chart is akin to a road map, a Hero’s journey or mission. The transits throughout one’s lifetime are all part of this journey offering the Hero in each of us choices bridging the gap between obstacle and opportunity. She helps people align everyday life with the life they want to live every single day. To help them see past ""practicality"" and into “possibilities."" When one is in agreement and believes wholeheartedly with the life they want to live, the Universe, the Stars and Source Energy aligns to deliver your desires. She is inspired to dedicate her life by sharing her knowledge so that others will flourish and thrive. Her intention is to uplift & facilitate higher octaves of the human experience. To help make sense of obstacles and transform them into opportunities.
Teri Hunter's YouTube channel: