Own Your Wellness: S3E10

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Season 238 Episode 8006

Own Your Wellness: S3E10

During Denise Dixon’s childhood, she was a victim of abuse, multiple types. Like most people who suffer from the aftermath of emotional abuse and neglect; emotional developmental delays are often painted on our life’s murals. She did not receive counseling to cope with the emotional damage that affected and stained her, so she struggled without knowing; assuming that her life was not correlated with the experiences from childhood. The stains of her traumas left the stain from Macbeth, a spot that would not come out. She felt like she could not remove it, so she had to learn to live with it. She felt damaged, unclean, broken, and she suppressed and bypassed emotions because it interfered with her daily survival. Even when she became a mother, she still did not fully realize the impact of her childhood sexual abuse and traumatic experiences. She did not recognize the correlation between her thought process, her learning ability, her behavior, her adult choices, and her childhood trauma. She was running away from those parts of herself all the time so instead her beautiful brain gave her the gifts of suppression and avoidance. The price to pay for those gifts was chaos. Eventually, she realized that she was being affected emotionally, psychologically, physically, and spiritually. She is a practicing life coach with a masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and a Masters in Education. https://www.iamdenise.com/about-me. Or https://www.iamdenise.com/more-about-me

