Leaning Into Growth - DR JAY UECKER

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Season 239 Episode 8133

Leaning Into Growth - DR JAY UECKER

Dr. Jay Uecker is the founder and owner of BioSoul Integration Center in Louisville, Colorado. He’s a healer, an intuitive online coach and the author of If It Didn’t Hurt: How To Resolve Your Pain And Discover Your Life Purpose. For two decades Dr. Jay has been helping people navigate the ups and downs of their healing journeys. Over the course of that time he’s worked intimately with nearly three thousand people. Those who seem to be most drawn to Dr. Jay and BioSoul Integration tend to be those who have felt the strong calling to do the work of consciously leaning into their growth and evolution as human beings, to do the work of integrating their Soul’s gifts into their physical bodies. http://www.biosoulintegration.com/

