Passion Where You Least Expect It, S6E54

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Passion Where You Least Expect It, S6E54

Sometimes our calling isn’t our bliss. Sometimes our calling comes from seeing a need and filling it. Don’t be discouraged if you haven’t figured “it” out yet! Not to mention… it can and usually does change over time!
Shaun (SF) Banks never could imagine working with kids or that by working with youth, his brands would reach people worldwide. Now, he is the publisher of the fastest growing kid's motivational magazine and a pioneer, blazing trails in the youth personal development and business fields. His knowledge comes from over 20 years experience in the field. He knows what works. He knows what he’s talking about. He is an expert in his field with the ""success,"" and credibility to back it up. Growing up with a single mother who cleaned houses and buildings for some of the most wealthy and elite people in Seattle, WA, he was CHISELED to have a strong work ethic, pursue big dreams and help others. One night, his life was rocked by a nightmare when his uncle murdered his aunt and cousin in a domestic violence dispute. He vowed to do something in their honor when he became an adult. In 2007, he opened the I AM Defense Institute against his profound disinterest in working with youth. I AM Defense shows women and children how to protect themselves from attackers. Since then, he has committed his life to the personal development of youth. He is the creator of Camp Warrior King, which helps thousands of youth in the metro Atlanta area gain exposure to Amazingly-fun activities. He is the founder of ""You Can Have IT ALL!"" Youth conferences. He has also authored 3 books: Persevere Overcome Win, Raising Extraordinary Kids, and Be Unstoppable Living Life.
