Season 114 Episode 11838
Own Your Wellness: S2E35
As Founder & CEO of Onward Productions, Inc., Erin Ley has spent the last 30 years as an Author, Professional Speaker, Personal & Professional Empowerment & Success Coach predominantly around mindset, Vision & Decision Designer, Communication & Accountability Strategist, Professional Virtual Summit Organizer, Host, and Founder of many influential summits, including “Life On Track”. She is also Host of the upcoming online streaming TV Show “Life On Track with Erin Ley” which is all about helping you get into the driver’s seat of your own life. Erin is a Proud Single Mom of 3 young adult children.
They call Erin “The Miracle Maker!” As a cancer thriver at age 25, single Mom of 3 at age 47, successful Entrepreneur at age 50, and serial manifester when it matters most, Erin has shown thousands upon thousands across the globe, how to become victorious by being focused, fearless, and excited about life and your future! Erin says, “Celebrate life and you’ll have a life worth celebrating!”
To see more about Erin and the release of her 4th book “WorkLuv: A Love Story” along with her “Life On Track” Course & Coaching Programs, please visit