Own Your Wellness: S2E7

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Season 114 Episode 11860

Own Your Wellness: S2E7

Lynda Sunshine West is known as The Queen of Collaboration. She’s a Speaker, 6 times International Bestselling Author, Executive Film Producer, Mastermind Facilitator, Red Carpet Interviewer, and Philanthropist. For an entire year, in 2015, she faced one fear every day. In doing so, she gained an exorbitant amount of confidence and uses that confidence to make a difference on the planet. Her mission is to help 5 million women entrepreneurs share their voice with the world with her mastermind, collaboration projects, podcast, summits, live show, magazine and events. She believes in cooperation and collaboration and loves connecting with like-minded people. She proudly donates 10% of her profits to The Giving Angels. BESTSELLING BOOKS (Amazon Author Page): The Year of Fears Momentum: 13 Lessons From Action Takers Who Changed the World Footsteps of the Fearless (contributing author) 1 Habit of Women Action Takers (co-author) 1 Habit of the Highest Achieving People on the Planet (contributing author) 1 Habit for Entrepreneurial Success (contributing author) Invisible No More; Invincible Forever More (in process) The Fearless Entrepreneurs (in process) Make an appointment with Lynda to collaborate on one of her many projects www.womenactiontakers.com/30

