What About YOU? Where Are YOU? S6E61

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What About YOU? Where Are YOU? S6E61

What about you? Are you so busy taking care of everyone and everything else that you haven’t stopped to think about what you want? Who you are? Let’s remedy that situation!
Sue Schultz has been coaching, mentoring and guiding people through the world of Talent Management for over 30 years. She worked her way up from the bottom, cold calling for a recruiting firm. When they thought she wasn't ready for recruiting, in true entrepreneurial fashion she offered to work for a straight commission to prove them wrong. She went on to become the 2nd highest earning recruiter for that agency. Sue has always had that drive. Whether it was running her own recruiting business with 9 employees, creating new divisions within existing agencies or building an entire Talent Management system for a multi-million dollar startup. Sue lives in Tennessee with her husband, Mark. She enjoys playing with her grandchildren and hanging out with her two kids, Katie & Brian.
