Intuitive Eating - SUSAN WILLIAMS

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Intuitive Eating - SUSAN WILLIAMS

Susan Williams is the founder of Eating Disorder Prevention of Southern California. She was a Registered therapeutic counselor in Vancouver, BC, Canada and is a Certified Intuitive eating and mindfulness counselor. She is also smart recovery certified. Susan celebrates recovery after a 25 year long battle with an eating disorder. She understands full well the disease as well as the shame and secrecy involved with it. Susan is passionate about the prevention of Eating disorders and has been giving back to the community of Southern California for many years through her school/university presentations educating the youth of Socal about the hazards of dieting/restricting behaviors. Susan was fortunate to have had Evelyn Tribole, R.D, as her Supervisor and Mentor. Evelyn Tribole, is one of the founding pioneers of the model of Intuitive eating and co-wrote the groundbreaking book, “Intuitive Eating”; with Elyse Resch, R.D. Susan has successfully opened and facilitated her own EDA (Eating Disorder Anonymous) meetings in San Diego, California. While in Vancouver, BC she spent time assisting and supporting women in recovery and domestic violent situations and is passionate about giving back to the community. Her history includes a strong background in public service. She published a book documenting her journey through dieting behaviors and her eating disorder in 2018: Fed up with diets: Discover a new beginning through intuitive eating. Susan's passion for eating disorder prevention is the driving force behind this non profit and its mission to prevent more sufferers of eating disorders in the future.
