Season 108 Episode 3740
Leave Bad Habits In The Dust, S6E75
Whether you're considering a break from alcohol or a long-term change, it's a decision that can lead to better physical and mental health, improved sleep, and increased energy. Join us as we discuss the benefits, challenges, and strategies for quitting drinking and embarking on a healthier path to wellness. Sean Robinson - a 38 year old Electrician, Volunteer Firefighter, Father and Husband. Feeling depressed about his personal health and habits, he decided to make some changes in his life that would help him be more positive and healthy. Coming from a place where he felt he couldn't talk about what was bothering him without ridicule, he kept it inside and tried to fix it himself. Starting 2021, Sean weighed 320lbs, and reached his ""rock bottom"" and he decided to take a break from drinking alcohol. At the same time, Sean started journaling and kept a record of what challenges he faced and how he overcame the pressures of going back to old habits and routines. Sean challenged himself to be sober for an entire year and shared this journal in his book Going Dry - My Path to Overcoming Habitual Drinking. This challenge helped change his identity and become the person that he never thought he could be on his own and while still sober, he is encouraging others to remove the things in their life that may be holding them back as well.