Own Your Wellness: S2E17

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Season 114 Episode 11868

Own Your Wellness: S2E17

Jennifer Jerald is a woman who has lived through abuse, neglect, sexual assault, mental illness, divorce, bankruptcy, a suicide attempt, a near death car accident and 22 major surgeries… Jennifer is living proof that you can LIVE FORWARD in spite of what life throws at you.
As a result of years of trauma, Jennifer has spent the majority of her life in fear and a recurring cycle of unrealized dreams, broken relationships, feeling like a victim and completely defeated. Today, a survivor turned thriver, she is here to work with others who have experienced similar challenges or simply the feeling of ""I am not enough"" and emotional overwhelm.
Jennifer is a powerful keynote speaker, 2 time #1 International Best Selling Author, musician and a Transformational Life Coach. She has developed a simple 5-step process to help others transform FEAR into F.O.C.U.S. Her mission is to help women rise up from “victim” to “WARRIOR”, one step at a time.

