Finding Your Voice - JB BRADEN

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Season 239 Episode 8063

Finding Your Voice - JB BRADEN

JB Braden is an Inspirational Speaker, Trainer and Speaker Coach. As a speaker for more than 20 years, he has spoken to over 1.5 million people. He loves giving audience members around the country inspiration, great awareness, and tools to help them grow to extraordinary heights. Giving them perspective to expand the scope of what’s possible and empowering them to transform their mindset from being imprisoned to Believing and Doing what’s necessary to achieve success.
JB is a certified coach, and his Super-power is:
• Helping Entrepreneurs/Business owners learn to effectively use speaking as a marketing tool to grow their business!
• Coaching Professionals to be better communicators and improve their public speaking skills!
• Training Speakers to up-level their skills and/or monetize their stages consistently!
""My mission is to impact and empower the lives of millions of people inspiring them to create extraordinary success and teaching them to Think, Live, Lead and Win like Champions.

