Season 79 Episode 2681
S1 E5 - Fasting: Is It a Fad? Is It Right For You? How To Do It?
<p>#bodypositive #intermittentfasting #selfcare<br />
Ever wondered why fasting is becoming a global trend? Well, today we’ll talk about the incredible benefits that it provides for our body. I’ll also share the dos and don’ts about it, so that if you end up trying it out for yourself, you’ll know how to do it right.<br />
Here's what we're covering in this episode:<br />
- Understanding fasting<br />
- My experience with fasting<br />
- Types of fasting<br />
- Strategic implementation<br />
- Addressing common concerns<br />
- Meal Planning and Nutrition.<br />
If you ever wondered if you should try fasting, listen up because after this episode you'll have a much better understanding of it, if it's right for you and how to actually fast.<br />
#fasting #fatloss #weightloss #nutrition #health #wellness #intermittentfasting #diet #healthy #fit #fitness #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthyliving #weightlossjourney #bodypositive #bodytransformation #selfcare #selflove</p>