Season 79 Episode 2679
S1 E7 - Vegan or vegetarian diets? Healthy or not? Facts, info, opinion
<p>#Vegan #Vegetarian #PlantBased<br />
You know you need to eat more veggies, you’ve been even thinking of going more “plant based”, but you’re not sure about how or what it even means???<br />
Maybe you’re torn between going full vegan or embracing a vegetarian lifestyle? Today, we'll uncover the facts, benefits, and differences to help you make the right choice.<br />
Today, on your new favorite TV show “Feeling @ a 10” with your host Leks Vucko, we'll uncover just that!<br />
In the last episode we covered keto and low-carb diets, if they’re good, bad or right for you, today we’re diving into vegan, vegetarian and plant-based:<br />
What it means, is it healthy and should you do it? Here’s what we’ll cover today:<br />
What vegan diet is<br />
What vegetarian diet is<br />
Plant-based protein sources<br />
What are complete proteins<br />
Health benefits or non-benefits<br />
Potential nutritional challenges and<br />
Flexetarian approach<br />
I also share my experiences with those and what I believe about them.<br />
For more information or to submit a question, please visit: https://leks.pro and connect with me on all social media:<br />
/ @leksvucko<br />
/ leksvucko<br />
/ leksvucko<br />
/ leksvucko<br />
#Vegan<br />
#Vegetarian<br />
#PlantBased<br />
#HealthyLiving<br />
#DietComparison<br />
#MeatlessMonday<br />
#WholeFoods<br />
#CrueltyFree<br />
#SustainableEating<br />
#EthicalLiving<br />
#GreenEating<br />
#MeatFree<br />
#NutritionFacts<br />
#PlantPowered<br />
#VeganLifestyle<br />
#VegetarianDiet<br />
#EatMorePlants<br />
#FoodForThought<br />
#HealthyChoices<br />