S1 E43 - Why You Can't Lose Weight With Calories, Diets, Meal Plans Or Exercise

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Season 79 Episode 9997

S1 E43 - Why You Can't Lose Weight With Calories, Diets, Meal Plans Or Exercise

Why You Can't Lose Weight With Calories, Diets, Meal Plans Or Exercise *** Join my membership today: www.leks.pro/Membership

#intermittentfasting #holistichealth #womenshealth #optimalhealth #hormonalbalance #fastingforwomen #healthylifestyle #healthtips #holistichealthtips #weightloss #weightlosstips #calories #caloriecounting #caloriedeficit #diet #diets #weightlossdiets #weightlossfood #loseweight #loseweighthealthy

About this video:
Weight loss has nothing to do with weight or calories, or diets, meal plans, or exercise actually. Why do you think so many people struggle to lose weight when it’s as simple as “eat less, move more”? Because it’s NOT that simple.

“Eat less, move more” is talking as if we don’t have emotions or hormones or beliefs that we have ingrained in our subconscious years ago. As if we just act out of logic.

I can guarantee you that after 20 years in the health and fitness industry and after battling weight issues a couple of times in my life that weight loss has nothing to do with calories, meal plans, or workouts.

Weight loss has everything to do with what you’re thinking, feeling and therefore how you’re acting.

Diets, meal plans, weight loss pills, rigid workout regimens, doing 1000 crunches a day, or whatever other nonsense you’ve been told to do… will NEVER work.

Why do you think that the majority of people who’ve had weight loss surgeries gain all the weight back within 5-10 years?

Because it doesn’t have to do with calories!! So what does work, Leks? You’re asking. Glad you asked!

What does work is inner work that we’ll talk about today. This is about what’s hiding subconsciously behind your desire to lose weight.

00:00 Weight loss has nothing to do with calories, diets, or meal plans
00:51 How to lose weight permanently
03:00 Diets, meal plans... make you feel restricted & deprived
03:35 What we do when dieting & feeling restricted and deprived (example)
04:04 Examples of why it didn’t work for you and others
04:15 A solution to weight loss instead of deprivation & restriction aka diet or meal plan
05:51 Words you use tell you about your subconscious behavior
07:17 Our subconscious beliefs create our reality
08:25 A solution to weight loss that leads to a permanent shift
09:49 Tools to change your subconscious mind and lose weight
09:56 The 5-why exercise to understand why you want this change
11:06 Listen to the words you’re saying (and what others say)
12:47 More tools to help you be aware and recognize what your beliefs are
14:01 Thoughts, emotions, actions - the catch-22 & how to get out of it
14:32 A 4 step process to permanent change
15:29 Training your brain to “get there in the future”
19:52 Screw yourself over into success
21:40 7 common mistakes women make when trying to lose weight

All services & products I recommend:

MY RECIPE BOOK: https://leks.pro/Recipe-Book/

MY 1:1 COACHING CALL: https://calendly.com/thevuckomethod/1...

MY MEMBERSHIP: https://leks.pro/Membership/


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Go to https://leks.pro and under "contact us" tab submit your inquiry

My mission here at "Feeling @ a 10" and "The Vucko Method" is to help individuals live healthier lives by debunking food industry myths, promoting positive body image, and empowering them to prioritize their overall health. Through fitness, I aim to help people find a way to optimize their health no matter where they live or what their schedules are like.


The opinions expressed in this video are solely those of the creator and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of any company or organization mentioned. The content provided is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice. The creator of this video is not a medical professional and the information provided should not be considered medical advice. Viewers are encouraged to consult with a qualified medical professional or healthcare provider for guidance and advice tailored to their individual health needs and circumstances. The creator makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information provided. Viewers use this information at their own risk.

