Season 79 Episode 9994
S1 E53 - Tired All The Time? Here's Why & How To Fix It To Increase Your Energy
Tired All The Time? Here's Why & How To Fix It To Increase Your Energy *** CALL TO ACTION TO PLAYLIST, AFFILIATE, OR SPONSOR HERE -- LINK HERE
#health #wellness #hormonalwellness #sleep #brain #brainhealth #burnout #womenshealth #healthylifestyle #tired #feelbetter #feelingbetter #feelingtired
About this video:
Feeling exhausted all the time and don’t know why? You're DEFINITELY not alone! Most people are feeling tired all day every day without really knowing why. Typically they dismiss it saying it comes with age. But that’s not true!
If you want to naturally increase your energy, watch this video!
We first have to understand why we feel this way. This is why in this video, I’ll share some surprising reasons why you're feeling so drained and, more importantly, how you can change that to boost your energy levels!!
From how modern life differs from the way humans have lived for thousands of years, to the effects of nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, and sleep deprivation - I’ll explain the root causes of fatigue and give you practical steps to feel energized and vibrant again.
You’ll learn:
1. Why modern life is more exhausting than ever before
2. How lack of sleep and nutrients affect your energy
3. Why hormonal imbalances (especially in women) could be the hidden cause of your tiredness
4. 7 practical tips to boost your energy.
You deserve to feel your best every day - it’s time to reclaim your energy!
If you found this helpful, don’t forget to subscribe and leave a comment below. Let me know what tip you'll try first!
00:00 If you're feeling tired, this is for you
01:04 A few thousand years ago...
01:38 100 years ago...
02:09 Our society today
02:55 Our brain's evolution
03:29 Draining energy
04:22 How many decisions people make today per day
04:56 How to change?
05:33 Other problems
06:28 How our body functions today
09:12 Phone
10:35 Supplements
10:36 Naps
11:17 Lighting
11:55 Wind-down routine
12:24 Your schedule
13:26 Showers
14:19 Which one to start with
All services & products recommended for better energy:
MY RECIPE BOOK: https://leks.pro/Recipe-Book/
MY 1:1 COACHING CALL: https://cal.com/leksvucko/coaching-call
OMEGA-3: https://www.performancelab.com/produc...
D3+K2: https://www.performancelab.com/produc...
SLEEP: https://www.performancelab.com/produc...
This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.
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INSTAGRAM: / leksvucko
What to get in touch with me? Here’s how:
Go to https://leks.pro and under "contact us" tab submit your inquiry
My mission here at "Feeling @ a 10" and "The Vucko Method" is to help individuals live healthier lives by debunking food industry myths, promoting positive body image, and empowering them to prioritize their overall health. Through fitness, I aim to help people find a way to optimize their health no matter where they live or what their schedules are like.
The opinions expressed in this video are solely those of the creator and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of any company or organization mentioned. The content provided is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice. The creator of this video is not a medical professional and the information provided should not be considered medical advice. Viewers are encouraged to consult with a qualified medical professional or healthcare provider for guidance and advice tailored to their individual health needs and circumstances. The creator makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information provided. Viewers use this information at their own risk.